Saturday, March 19, 2011

TOP 10: Celebrities We Could Do Without

10) Katy Perry
This super-stacked raven would be great if she were a fucking mute, but unfortunately bubble-headed girl everywhere like bouncing around their poster-laden rooms to her tired, recycled tripe that caters to Idiot America.  She can't sing well at all and despite her firm position that she's original she is anything BUT.  I do admire the fact that's she can actually put on more make-up than The Ultimate Warrior, so you go girl.

9) Stephen Colbert
Dude, we get it.  I'll give credit where it is due: Colbert is the master of sarcasm and throws it together in statements brilliantly, but he has no "off" switch and it's really starting to get old with the same routine over and over and OVER again.  At least Jon Stewart gives us the opportunity to take him seriously, this guy I just can't figure out anymore.  Change the record.

8) Kanye West
You can explain to me all you want how he's a "musical genius".  No, he isn't.  He's Puff Daddy 2.0, a guy who should have stayed in front of the studio glass instead of behind it so we wouldn't have to be constantly bombed by his weekly bouts of retardedly megalomaniacal stunts.  Metrosexual douchebag numbskulls like this make me sick, and you should feel the same way.

7) Ke$ha
Without a doubt one for the "Why the fuck?!?" pile.  Can't sing, can't rap, songs that sound like cavemen beating amplifiers to death with rocks.  She has the face of a shaved rat and the body of a tackling dummy.  She is worthless in every way, and those "porn" pictures of her were vomit-inducing to say the least.  Enjoy your future drug overdose after MTV idiots wake up to your lack of talent, girlfriend.

6) Jay Leno
I have long lost any respect I may have had for the host of The Tonight Show the minute he refused to bow out and let Conan O'Brien deservedly take over in his place.  Aside from not being funny and having a face dying to be slapped, he snubbed out Conan leaving him jobless and the rest of us wondering why this dipshit still has a job in the first place.  Even Headlines is tiresome now.  Fuck off.

5) Mathew McConnehey
Why?  Why are you still famous and headlining these terrible movies?  When you were Wooderson, you were the coolest character ever.  Now you're a fucking joke.  Smoke more weed, broham.

4) Lady Ga-Ga
I have seen fire hydrants with more sex appeal than this irritating Madonna wannabe.  Her fashion sense alone should have her killed by firing squad, but we also have to deal with her unabashed insanity, airport hangar-sized ego and second-rate house music beat ripoffs.  Bitch, I've seen piles of dogshit cuter than you and they probably smell better too.

3) Kim Kardashian
"Celebrity".  HA!!!!! "Useless retard" fits it better.  This good-looking but unrepentant champion of all sluts is a fucking disgrace and possibly the stupidest woman in California, if not America.  You could get the clap just by looking at one of her photos.  I'm sorry, you can do Sketchers ads and appear at every single awards ceremony all you want, you let a fifth-rate rapper give you a porno golden shower for the world to see and you suck at life, period.  Please kill yourself, and take your equally worthless sisters with you.

2) Glen Beck
Meet the new century's poster boy for vasectomy: Glen Beck, the tear-shedding, single digit IQ rambling Mormon (big surprise) who carries the flag of the world's worst news network, Fox.  From flip-flopping on Health Care issues monthly to having a nervous breakdown on air because America elected a black president (who he often compares to Adolph Hitler), isn't it time we threw this fat racist fuck into Mt. St. Helens already?  He redefines "worthless", and targets naive, stupid people as his audience (which explains his huge popularity).

1) Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen is a bag of shit.  Aside from threatening to beat up his boss to getting entire show seasons cancelled to doing blow with porn stars less than half his age to being a FUCKING 9/11 Truther (those stupid assholes that think 9/11 was an inside job) to trashing hotel rooms, this guy has dozens of different ways for demonstrating his knack for irresponsibility.  Tiger Blood?  Vatican Assassin Warlocks?  It's a party, man!  WINNING!!!!!!!!!!

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