Tuesday, April 3, 2012

IS OUR KIDS LEARNING?-- How to leave the children behind

For the what seems umpteen jillionth time in the past year, my utterly unnoticeable home town of London took centre stage as shit-for-brains teenagers who re-define the term "lightweights" decided that is was their lawful right to torch a CTV truck and try to kill any firefighter, cop or EMS worker that dared intervene.  Granted, the cops retreated like bitches toward the crowd of 1,000 strong in full riot gear, making sure to keep their $300,000 water cannon-armed urban assault vehicle was kept sparkling in the parking garage of police headquarters while throngs of vile little turds chased tax-paying families from their homes, tore fences down, hurdled hundreds of empties at public servants and flipped vehicles over, including blowing up the earlier mentioned news truck with a barbecue propane tank.

So naturally, like the cowardly retards that ripped apart their own neighbourhoods in Vancouver almost a year ago, they posed for cameras, bragged about it on Facebook, boasted their supreme retardation on Twitter, and then allowed me to shame them world-wide right now:
Sometimes, I am just in awe that retard like this could even get accepted into going for a Cayman Islands Barcode Communications degree.
You see, Katey Meyer, when you post something
on the internet, the world owns it.  And you, Katey Meyer
have been owned, period.

But then again,  who's fault is it? the quick excuse for the kids that "got caught up in the moment" is to not blame THIS generation, but the generation that raised it. Well, yes and no.

Exploring the "Yes" possibility, parents collectively today are complete pussies. They don't raise their children, they DATE them. They buy they're love, never judge them with fair criticism, and never put a big mean red "X" on a test, because that might think they actually did something wrong.  The horror!  You know what my teacher did to stupid students in Grade Four?  If you failed a test, he would march you to the front of the class and make you read you lame brained answers out loud to the class, so everyone could bask in your dumbness.  That wasn't cruelty, that was tough love.  And it WORKED.  Had he done that nowadays 20 plus years later,  They would wrap him in razor wire, dip him into a salt water tank and let sharks gnaw his legs into bloody stumps.  THEN he would be fired.
The above whiskey dick poster boy for vasectomy
was filmed tearing down a backyard fence and
screaming "Fuck tha police!!" into a video camera.
I guess they didn't learn anything about the small incident
out west 10 months back when some innocent kids
in Vancouver tripped and fell onto some mean cop's
nightsticks.  Except you can't lie to the camera, Einstein.
 Then you have the much stronger "No" argument: this wasn't five year olds left unattended in Tommy Lee's backyard.  This was grown-ass college students destroying shit because a) It isn't theirs and b) It isn't theirs, so why the fuck not?

This is a simple case of shitheels that can't handle their booze and feed off the equally toxic attitudes of their fellow Shit-For-Brains.  Hey, they're throwing bottles at the cops!  I might as well too!  Hey, they're shaking that van with a family of five inside it!  I might as well too!  You can't stop a person from being an idiot if they're an idiot.  It's science.  It's not like they're PAYING for their education or rent, their mommies and daddies are!  And those mommies and daddies will have to be answered too when you they sent home in your second semester with a criminal record, an expelled education and a lost security deposit.

So in the end, nobody wins.  You want somebody to blame?  Look in the mirror.  You want to stop problems like this?  If a thought crosses your mind like "My son is a complete tool.  And seventeen years old.  Time for him to go out into the world!" then maybe you should think again. And maybe stop blaming yourself.  Somebody in their late teens should know better in the first place, so THEY are the problem.

Fix them.

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